Saturday, January 25, 2020

Importance Of Ability And Personality Of Applicants Commerce Essay

Importance Of Ability And Personality Of Applicants Commerce Essay The linear approach is the one approach that was involved in the case of career development of the person. This approach is the best one to the person in order to decide his career path and goal. This linear approach provides the guidelines to the person in order to achieve his goal and his career development in his life. It also concentrates to the person in the case of improving the strength of the person and it focus the strength and weakness of the person. This approach was involved in the case of providing the step-by-step process to the response of the person thats why person can be motivated positively. The person can get his career options without any interruption. References Tricia Jackson.(2000). Career Development. British Library publications of Data. 2. Importance of ability and personality of applicants The applicants were selected primarily on the basis of ability and the personality fit in order to obtain the enhancement of organization. These both elements are deciding the concentration and the strength of the application in the organization. The management requires the better ability and the personality from the applicant thats why applicant can fit for accessing the organization. The better ability and the personality both concepts are necessary in the case of resolving the critical situation in the organizations. The applicant can also manage the products and services of the organization. The ability and personality provide the new technical ideas and concepts to the applicant in order to improve the profits of the organization. References Heller, D., Judge, T. A., Watson, D. (2002). The confounding role of personality and trait affectivity in the relationship between job and life satisfaction.  Journal of Organizational Behavior. 3. Advantage and disadvantages of seniority layoff The laying off employees on the basis of seniority is taking some process in order to provide the sense of fairness to the workers. The advantages are keeping experienced workers, showing employee loyalty. Keeping the experienced workers refers the laying off workers that were based upon the seniority most experienced workers in order to maintain the organizational products and services. This will provide the better level to the organization. Showing employee loyalty is the advantage to the organization that shows sense of loyalty to the organization. The employee loyalty can improve the worker morale in the organization. The disadvantages are limiting improvements and keeping highly paid workers that are giving the poor products and services to the organization. Keeping experienced workers, employee loyalty and keeping high paid employees are the alternatives to the seniority. References Ricky W. Griffin.(2005). Human Resources Management. DreamTech Publishing. 4. Career development of organization The modern organizations are flatter and offer fewer opportunities for advancement. The career development is the one that involves developing the key strategic asset of organization. The careers must develop the excellence and goal of the organization in order to provide the innovations to the organizations. They must encompass the vertical issues including the upward mobility and promotions. The careers must deal with the fundamental nature of relationship among the work and employee in the organization. The career must be developed the empowerment in the case of expressing the demands of organization. The career development program must be implemented by careers in order to provide the organizational innovations. References Jonathan E. DeGraff (21 February 2010).  The Changing Environment of Professional HR Associations.  Cornell HR Review. 5. Training and career development The training and the career development are having some differences in the case of improving the organizational activities. The training is the desired outcome in the case of improving the skills of individual and productivity. The productivity includes the personnel professional activities. The training can lead the development of individual in the organizations. But the career development is the measurement in the course time and that develops the long term process of organization. The career development concerns the nature and development of personal attitudes and it includes plans for potential employee and management. Training must provide the better skills and knowledge to the employees that will lead to employee turnover. The career development must develop the employees, senior management to improve retention. References Diane Arthur (1995). Training and Development.  Managing Human Resources in Small Mid-Sized Companies. 6. Challenges of post- traditional family The several challenges occur to the organization by the post- traditional families and they impact the organizational functions. The post -traditional families are giving the challenges to the organization in the case of health insurance and the life insurance coverage. These are the major challenges to the organization in the case of mitigating the employee benefit problems. The health insurance and the life insurance were having the trouble to give the employee benefit by the post traditional families. The organization is having the pleasure to provide the better mitigation techniques to meet these challenges. The organizations are making the employee benefit strategies to face these challenges in order to make the value to life insurance and health insurance coverage. References Charles Handy.21 Ideas for Managers: Practical Wisdom for Managing Your Company and Yourself, First ed San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2000 Print. 7. Employee motivation The training is the better solution in order to improve the employee motivation. The training expands the high level responsibilities to the employees and they are providing the new types of jobs to the employees. The authority is provided to the employee in order to make the decisions by the training and the training is inviting the employee in order to contribute for making more planning. It also provides more access to significant meeting for the participation of employees. The establishment of goals, measurements and priorities can be provided by training in order to improve their motivation. The training can be used to assign the head up projects to the employees for providing the motivation. References Fishbein, M.; Ajzen, I. (1975),  Belief, attitude, intention, and behavior: An introduction to theory and research, Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley 8. Human Resource Management The HR management is having the pleasure to hire and eliminate the employees in the organization. According to HR management, the unqualified employees will be eliminated from the organization and because of unqualified employees are making the less experience and waste of time for managers. HR management must make the solution for this problem. The HR management must hire the employees that are based upon the effectives of employees. Additionally, HR management must consider some factors when hiring the employees that are training, development, career planning, performance evolution, compensation, collective action and personnel control. These factors will give the solution for those problems. References Wright, Patrick.  The 2011 CHRO Challenge: Building Organizational, Functional, and Personal Talent. Cornell Center for Advanced Human Resource Studies (CAHRS). Retrieved 3 September 2011. 9. Organizational commitment Watkinss company have done something to make her see the whole picture and gain an understanding of commitment to know the work of organization. The company must explain the importance of software documentation and commitment of organization in order to teach the wok and abilities. According to this case, she is affected by lack of knowing the things and she doesnt know how to contribute to the whole thats why company must make the better awareness to her. The company must clarity her doubts then only she can able see the picture and know the things about the commitment and works of organization. The company must involve her in the case of practically oriented things. These things the company must have done to make her see the picture and the organizational commitment. References Meyer, J P and Allen, N J (1991). A three-component conceptualization of organizational commitment: Some methodological considerations,  Human Resource Management Review, 10. Managing Survivors The organizational manger would have about the surviving workforce after the layoff in order to mitigate the organizational risks. Then the manger must concentre to restructure the organization, increase the organizational efficiency, make cost-cutting efforts, and reduce the demand of products, implementing the mergers and acquisitions. These are the primary concerns that associated to the managers in order to make the decision. HR management supports to the survivors of layoff. HR management implements several strategies that are used to provide the support to survivors of layoff. Re-emphasizing the mission, vision and the goal of survivors can give the major supporting points to survivors of layoff by HR management. Recreating the work environment is the best one to remove the survivors in organization. References Henry Mintzberg (1981). Organization Design: Fashion or Fit  Harvard Business Review  (January February). 11. Importance of training The conflict resolution training method is the one that is the approach to the organizational conflicts. This is the suitable training in order to mitigate the organizational conflicts. This training provides the better communication to maintain the organizational relationships. The lack of role in organization is the causes of conflict in organization and this training improves the organizational role by assigning corresponding work to the organizational roles and hence the organizational conflict will be reduced. This training is also used to address the leadership problem in the organization and because of leadership problem is the causes of conflict in organization. The leadership problem will be avoided satisfying the requirements and the expectations of the organizations thats why this training is the best one to mitigate the organizational risks.

Friday, January 17, 2020


The first part of the process of selection of an applications software package was to determine what Westye needed. Under this process, they sought to develop criteria for how business solutions companies would address their specific needs. Here, they outlined these through the creation of 160 issues related to Westye’s business processes. The second step included determining the specific small midmarket business solutions that can address Westye’s needs. In here, considerable attention was given by the company towards finding competent providers and was equally reduced to 27 companies who shall then be subjected interview and questioning. The third process that the company took was the selection process. Here, Westye based their choice in the capacity of small midmarket business solutions to address their needs. Given the specific criteria, the company was able to consolidate effective responses coming from Microsoft Business Solutions – Navisione and became the primary choice. The last part involved finding the necessary partner that can help address the issues and problems of Westye. Here, the choice of ICS Advantage revolved around the ability of the company to facilitate better means of integrating a collaborative long term strategy and relationship with Westye. Likewise, the company also sought a committed and driven partners who can fulfill the company’s needs accordingly. Analyzing the specific strategy employed by Westye, it could have improved its selection process if it had tried (1) to set specific standards for choices above the 160 criteria, (2) provided inputs on how the old MAPICS system can be integrated towards the recommended changes, and (3) considering long term strategies and options for employees. Seeing this, the value then of the first input corresponds to the capacity to examine further not only the technical and operational business schemes influencing Westye but also try to integrate it in the way people do business. By setting up these standards, vendors can then align their proposals to meet these realities accordingly. The second part corresponds to allowing Westye proper transition from its old system and incorporating them into the new one. This can help new participants to have a grasp of what the new system is and leverage increased costs in education and training of people. The last part corresponds to outlining how these new strategies impact the workforce in both education and application. By inducing opportunities to include feedback and reaction, it can help facilitate better means of transcending competency and ability to harness effective skills for operation and diversification of tasks by employees within Westye. (2) Analyzing the specific advantages of utilizing a package development, it revolves around (1) revamping the old MAPICS system, (2) effective support mechanism, (3) allows standardization of Westye’s processes and (4) infusing simple means to increase efficiency of production. Here, the first process takes into consideration deriving valuable opportunities for Westeye to address the loopholes and inefficiencies of the old MAPCIS system. By incorporating packaged software, it can veer away from the old system and incorporate new ones that can be synchronized with the companies needs. The second advantage is that technicians can effectively carry out repairs and updates of a packaged system compared to a customized one. Such directions also provides standardization of processes as the new software then incorporates actions by the workforce and takes into account key trends in a more facilitative and effective manner. Lastly, using the tools of a packaged software, it can help Westye align these to infuse efficiency in production and consolidate these with the goals of the company. On the other hand, specific disadvantages of a packaged system revolves around (1) associated costs, (2) lack of innovation, (3) issue of control, and (4) the issue of customization. In the first part, it considers the value of costs related to training employees once again with new processes and how to operate such packaged system. Another hurdle that packaged system can contribute is the lack of innovation wherein companies have the last say in the design and applications included in the design of the software package. The same can be seen with the issue of control. Though ICS provides Westye control over data and inputs, it limits the capacity of businesses to take into consideration establishing a user-interface that is efficient for their use or responsive to their needs. The last one revolves around the process of customization. Here, additional costs can be incurred if new changes and amendments may be undertaken by Westye in expanding its business processes and integrating new means for gathering data necessary for production. Seeing this, the idea of using a Navision package is more suited to the needs of the Westye group. Such analysis revolves around the need to revamp and change the old MAPICS system and consolidate better means of acquiring information in a more effective and efficient manner. By using a packaged solution, the company can cater towards creating better means to address the problem in a faster manner and take advantage of its comparative advantage over its competitors. Similarly, this decision can also align the company’s processes to what is essential to the needs of the company both in its short and long term strategies. (3) Responding to the advantages of Navision compared to ERP, they include (1) filtering inefficient processes, (2) consolidating data effectively, (3) incorporating new technological features, and (4) new structure to cater for the needs of Westye. The value of the first advantage corresponds to taking into consideration changing the loopholes and boundaries within the old MAPICS system and generating better means for analysis and acquisition of data. In the second part, Navision gives better means of consolidating data with its new framework and platform different from that of the old system. Alongside this is the associated new features wherein employees can take advantage of. By using these new technologies, it has developed effective means to cater the needs of Westye in terms of determining inputs and data necessary to transact and establish partnerships with clients. On the other hand, there are also associated disadvantages that Navision has over adding ERP modules which include (1) costs, (2) employee integration and education, (3) adjustments, and (4) value of time. One essential setback by the Navision involves the corresponding costs. Since the overall system shall be revamped, it takes into account changing the business processes. Alongside this are the new means of training personnel and employees of proper procedures and mechanisms necessary. Such then brings about adjustments and puts into the table the question of time in achieving specific goals and objectives. These then create necessary implications for the company especially in the short term as it may affect the overall productivity of the company during these times of adjustment and changes. Though there are indeed associated setbacks with the application of the Navision package, it can be seen that it has consolidated better means for Westye to expand and develop its business processes. By utilizing specific strategies related to determining loopholes in the previous system, it was able to create a new framework that supports the interests and goals of Westye. At the same time, by infusing these directions, the company can then legitimize its opportunities to create competitive advantage and standardize the dynamics related to finding the means to diversify business processes and generate increased productivity. (4) Analyzing the advantages of the customization scheme created by Navsion, they correspond to (1) wider company control, (2) taking into consideration competitive advantage, (3) access to real time data, and (4) consolidating to the needs of employees. In the first one, it caters to the formalization of how employees control the system. The customization process furthered this by giving opportunities for personnel to make important decisions concerning specific business processes. Such dynamic then provided the ability to establish competitive advantage as it opened up means to establish efficiency in decision making and harness the skills in responding to such. Alongside this direction, Westye was also able to provide effective access to trends and data necessary. Since they are heavily reliant in these, the customization process help employees fulfill their roles without having to sort and tabulate trends, hence easier transmission of data to clients. On the other hand, there are also associated negative reactions to such customization. These revolve around (1) re-training of employees, (2) hampering of production, (3) difficulty in establishing technical support, and (4) complexity in administering changes. In here, the customization process hampers employee’s responsibilities because they are given new training about the system and what they do. Such actions then hamper time and capacity to work at their optimal level and in turn hamper production. Another setback is that it creates difficulty in pointing out problems particularly if these processes remain intertwined and correlated with one another. The same can be seen with the application of changes within the system. Since it is designed to fit Westye’s needs, Navision may find it difficult to correlate including new features as it may need to be synchronized with other related processes. 5) Analyzing the point established by the case that Westye’s system provides ‘real-time data access’, it can be argued that it is the same with the term ‘online input’ plus ‘online processing’. Here the idea of real time corresponds to the actual input of data provided by a specific program or software wherein it analyzes specific trends and issues inputted by the user. Seeing this, such process then corresponds to ‘online input ’ plus ‘online processing’ for it utilizes specific measures in generating effective patterns of analysis and justifying its scope and value to whatever purpose it may seek to serve. Seeing this, the company indeed has ‘online input’ plus ‘online processing’. This can be seen in the manner of how the company adheres to its business processes. In here, the derivation and analysis of information remains crucial for the company to remain competitive. That is why it needs up-to-date information to give its clients so as to harness effective means in making crucial business decisions and Westye provides such information to them.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Foster Care and Substance Abuse - 3763 Words

Running head: THE FOSTER CARE AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE The Association Between Foster Care and Substance Abuse Risk Factors and Treatment Outcomes: An Exploratory Secondary Analysis Sharon H. Stoess Grand Canyon University NRS-433V March 27, 2011 The Association Between Foster Care and Substance Abuse Risk Factors and Treatment Outcomes: An Exploratory Secondary Analysis â€Å"The child welfare and substance abuse systems are integrally linked through the children and families they serve (Blome, W., Shields, J., amp; Verdieck, M., 2009). There is a dearth of knowledge, however, on how children who have experienced foster care fare when they are treated for substance abuse issues as adults† (Blome, W., Shields, J., amp; Verdieck,†¦show more content†¦It is imperative to know what the actual facts are. â€Å"Studies have shown that adverse childhood experiences, including abuse, neglect, domestic violence, and household substance abuse, increase the likelihood of early initiation of drug use by two to four times† (Dube, Felitti, Dong, Chapman, Giles, amp; Anda, 2003). â€Å"Interviews with 320 adolescents in foster care found approximately 40% used alcohol, 35% reported marijuana use, and 25% described using both in the prior six months (Thompson amp; Auslander, 2007). â€Å"Youths who have been in foster care used illicit drugs at a higher rate than youths who have never been in foster care, but they were also more likely to have received treatment† (National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 2005). â€Å"Merging educational and child welfare databases from a Midwestern state showed that only one in five of these youths demonstrated the skills necessary to pass the reading, math and science standardized tests† (Coleman, 2004). â€Å"Among youths who stayed in foster care until the age of emancipation (18 to 21 depending on the state), more than one-third earned neither a high school diploma nor a GED (Courtney amp; Dworsky, 2005). 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Pearl and Hester in Hawthornes Romance The Scarlet Letter - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 1 Words: 418 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2019/05/13 Category Literature Essay Level High school Tags: The Scarlet Letter Essay Did you like this example? Why do you think Dimmesdale feels this type of connection and energy when he holds Pearls hand? (Hawthorne 12) I think Dimmesdale finally feels a connection to his daughter, he really has not been in her life for that long so for him to feel this type of connection and energy just by holding her hand just shows us that he really should have tried being in her life earlier and not let other people influence his life because not only does he feel a connection but so might pearl because she finally can feel this connection and love with her father.. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Pearl and Hester in Hawthornes Romance The Scarlet Letter" essay for you Create order Hester refuses to answer Pearl when her daughter asks her what her letter stands for. Do you think that Hester is protecting Pearl from being bullied or do you think Hester is ashamed of telling her daughter? (Hawthorne 15) I think Hester just does not want to make Pearl feel bad and think that she is a sin and that she should feel ashamed or not loved. No matter with this letter or not Hester will always love her with the same love and affection she has shown her since the day she was born so Pearl should not care that her mother has sinned because this sin brought her into this life where many people love and care for her. Elements of Literature Questions: While continuing this book do you think that Hester has grown to be a stronger, courageous woman? Or has she changed her appearance and qualities? I think Hester has really grown throughout this book and changed from the beginning. She is this woman who is independent and does not need a man in her life. She has been this courageous woman from the start from wearing the letter to sticking up for herself and for her daughter. Hester is really a woman who doesnt take opinions from others and for that I really look up to her because us woman need to be like this in our generation. What do you think is the significance of Hester never visiting Chillingsworth in his study? Does this symbolize something? (Hawthorne 16) I think that Hester is feeling very ashamed and embarrassed. I think she just wants to be the bigger person and not really start any drama with him or the townspeople. I think this may symbolize that she may still be in love with him and that maybe she does not want to catch feelings for him by visiting him and just being around him.